Western Digital使用5400 rpm级硬盘使所有人感到困惑

The WD Red ‘5400 RPM Class’ NAS hard drives actually spin at 7,200rpm.

WD Red“ 5400 RPM类” NAS硬盘实际上以7,200rpm的转速旋转。

One of the key specifications present on any hard drive is how fast it spins, with 5,400rpm and 7,200rpm being the two most well-known spinning speeds. However, Western Digital is muddying the waters by classifying some of its 7,200rpm drives as “5400 RPM Class.” Confused? You’re not the only one.

任何硬盘驱动器上存在的关键规格之一是其旋转速度,其中最著名的两个旋转速度是5400rpm和7200rpm。 但是,西部数据(Western Digital)通过将其7,200rpm驱动器中的某些驱动器归类为“ 5400 RPM类”,使情况更加混乱。 困惑? 你并不是唯一的一个。

As Ars Technica reports, Western Digital marks some of its WD Red Network Attached Storage hard drives as having a Performance Class of “5400 RPM Class,” which suggests these drives spin at 5,400rpm. Even the firmware on the drives reports 5400 RPM, but spectral analysis carried out by Reddit user Amaroko has confirmed these drives are actually spinning at 7,200rpm.

正如Ars Technica报道的那样 ,Western Digital将其某些WD Red Network Attached Storage硬盘驱动器的性能等级标记为“ 5400 RPM等级”,这表明这些驱动器的转速为5400 rpm。 甚至驱动器上的固件报告的转速为5400 RPM,但是Reddit用户Amaroko进行的频谱分析已确认这些驱动器实际上以7200 rpm的转速旋转。

Although many consumers may be happy to find the hard drive they thought spun at 5,400rpm actually spins much faster, meaning higher performance, there are other consequences. Faster spin speed means more power is used by these drives and just as importantly, they emit more noise. In a NAS setup, which is what these drives are marketed as being for, both power use and noise levels are important, and arguably more so than performance.

尽管许多消费者可能会发现他们认为以5400 rpm转速旋转的硬盘实际上旋转得更快,这意味着更高的性能,但还有其他后果。 更快的旋转速度意味着这些驱动器会使用更多的功率,同样重要的是,它们会发出更多的噪音。 在NAS设置 (这是这些驱动器的市场定位)中,功耗和噪声水平都很重要,而且可以说比性能更重要。

The use of “5400 RPM Class” therefore seems misleading, and Western Digital’s official response to the discovery does little to clarify the situation. A representative responded to Ars Technica’s enquiry with the following statement:

因此,“ 5400 RPM等级”的使用似乎具有误导性,并且Western Digital对这一发现的官方回应并不能澄清这种情况。 一位代表回应了Ars Technica的询问,内容如下:

“For select products, Western Digital has published RPM speed within a “class” or “performance class” for numerous years rather than publishing specific spindle speeds. We also fine-tune select hard drive platforms and the related HDD characteristics to create several different variations of such platforms to meet different market or application needs. By doing so, we are able to leverage our economies of scale and pass along those savings to our customers. As with every Western Digital product, our product details, which include power, acoustics and performance (data transfer rate), are tested to meet the specifications provided on the product’s data sheet and marketing collateral.”

“对于某些产品,Western Digital已经在“等级”或“性能等级”内发布了RPM速度多年,而不是发布特定的主轴速度。 我们还将微调选定的硬盘驱动器平台和相关的HDD特性,以创建此类平台的几种不同版本,以满足不同的市场或应用程序需求。 通过这样做,我们能够利用规模经济并将节省下来的费用转嫁给我们的客户。 与所有Western Digital产品一样,我们对产品的详细信息(包括功率,声学和性能(数据传输速率))进行了测试,以满足产品数据表和市场营销资料上提供的规范。”

It seems Western Digital could easily clear up any confusion by simply making the spindle speed clear as part of each drive’s listed specification. But for now, just be aware that the number you think represents spindle speed on Western Digital hard drives might simply be a performance class instead and not representative.

看起来Western Digital可以通过简单地将主轴速度作为每个驱动器列出的规格的一部分来明确消除任何混乱。 但就目前而言,请注意,您认为代表Western Digital硬盘驱动器上的主轴速度的数字可能只是性能等级,而不是代表性能。


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