
enum GameChoice {
// 剪刀
Scissors = 1,
// 石头
Rock = 2,
// 布
Paper = 3
function judge(choice1, choice2) {
// 和局
if (choice1 == choice2) return 0;
// Player 1 没出,Player 2 胜出
if (!choice1) return 1;
// Player 2 没出,Player 1 胜出
if (!choice2) return -1;
// 都出了就这么算
return (choice1 – choice2 + 3) % 3 == 1 ? -1 : 1;

/** @type {Room[]} */
const globalRoomList = [];

// 每个房间最多两人
const MAX_ROOT_MEMBER = 2;

// 游戏时间,单位秒
const GAME_TIME = 3;

let nextRoomId = 0;

/** 表示一个房间 */
module.exports = class Room {

/** 获取所有房间 */
static all() {
return globalRoomList.slice();

/** 获取有座位的房间 */
static findRoomWithSeat() {
return globalRoomList.find(x => !x.isFull());

/** 创建新房间 */
static create() {
const room = new Room();
return room;

constructor() {
this.id = `room${nextRoomId++}`;
this.players = [];

/** 添加玩家 */
addPlayer(player) {
const { uid, uname } = player.user;
console.log(`Player ${uid}(${uname}) enter ${this.id}`);
if (this.isFull()) {

/** 删除玩家 */
removePlayer(player) {
const { uid, uname } = player.user;
console.log(`Player ${uid}(${uname}) leave ${this.id}`);
const playerIndex = this.players.indexOf(player);
if (playerIndex != -1) {
this.players.splice(playerIndex, 1);
if (this.players.length === 0) {
console.log(`Room ${this.id} is empty now`);
const roomIndex = globalRoomList.indexOf(this);
if (roomIndex > -1) {
globalRoomList.splice(roomIndex, 1);

/** 玩家已满 */
isFull() {
return this.players.length == MAX_ROOT_MEMBER;

/** 开始游戏 */
startGame() {
// 保留这行日志输出可以让实验室检查到实验的完成情况
console.log(‘game started!’);

// 当局积分清零
this.players.forEach(player => player.gameData.roundScore = 0);

// 集合玩家用户和游戏数据
const players = this.players.map(player => Object.assign({}, player.user, player.gameData));

// 通知所有玩家开始
for (let player of this.players) {
player.send(‘start’, {
gameTime: GAME_TIME,

// 计时结束
setTimeout(() => this.finishGame(), GAME_TIME * 1000);

/** 结束游戏 */
finishGame() {
const players = this.players;

// 两两对比算分
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ROOT_MEMBER; i++) {
let p1 = players[i];
if (!p1) break;
for (let j = i + 1; j < MAX_ROOT_MEMBER; j++) {
let p2 = players[j];
const result = judge(p1.gameData.choice, p2.gameData.choice);
p1.gameData.roundScore -= result;
p2.gameData.roundScore += result;
// 计算连胜奖励
for (let player of players) {
const gameData = player.gameData;
// 胜局积分
if (gameData.roundScore > 0) {
gameData.roundScore *= gameData.winStreak;
// 败局清零
else if (gameData.roundScore < 0) {
gameData.roundScore = 0;
gameData.winStreak = 0;
// 累积总分
gameData.totalScore += gameData.roundScore;
// 计算结果
const result = players.map(player => {
const { uid } = player.user;
const { roundScore, totalScore, winStreak, choice } = player.gameData;
return { uid, roundScore, totalScore, winStreak, choice };
// 通知所有玩家游戏结果
for (let player of players) {
player.send(‘result’, { result });



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